HK Food and Beverage Carbon Neutral


About the Programme

“Environmental and Conservation Fund Food and Beverage Industry Carbon Neutral Programme” (“the programme”) , funded by the Environmental and Conservation Fund (ECF) and led by the Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (HKFORT) with the support of The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as the implementation agent, is designed to enhance awareness of carbon neutrality’s importance and encourage sustainable practices within the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry and broader community.  The Programme includes:

An all-in-one information platform

An Industry Alliance (pledge to support industry development towards carbon neutral and gradual improve carbon management and environmental performance towards carbon neutrality)

The Carbon Pioneer Recognition Scheme for restaurants

A series of capacity-building activities

Empowering the F&B Industry and Community

The programme aims at empowering the F&B industry and community to adopt positive operational and behavioural changes towards carbon neutrality.

As we strive to reach this goal by 2050, the involvement of the entire community and various industries remains crucial. We now welcome the public to participate in the activities organized by the programme, and sincerely invite F&B industry organisations to become Supporting Organisation and a member of the Industry Alliance for the programme to establish a sustainable food culture and work together to achieve Hong Kong’s carbon neutrality goal.

About the Environmental and
Conservation Fund

The Environment and Conservation Fund (“ECF”) is a statutory trust fund established in June 1994 under the Environment and Conservation Fund Ordinance (Cap. 450) (“the Ordinance”). The Government also established the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee (“Committee”) under the Ordinance. Except for the official members, other members (including the Chairman) of the Committee are appointed by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


The ECF has been established for 30 years since 1994. Later in June 2013, the Government injected an additional $5 billion into the ECF as seed money. The ECF is committed to encourage all parties to take continuously action and actively participate in projects and activities to lie in with the Government policies, fostering the achievements of the environmental sustainability goals of “Waste Reduction at Source” and “Carbon Neutrality” for Hong Kong, and building a new green future together.

About the Organiser

Hong Kong Federation of Restaurants & Related Trades (HKFORT) was established in 1999 as a non-profit group, aiming to elevate the status and development opportunities of the catering industry, and to provide a platform for communication and unity within the Hong Kong catering industry. Over the years, the association has grown to include over 1,200 individual and corporate members, encompassing more than 8,000 dining establishments.


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